Indicates a voice message is currently playing or being recorded.
Indicates playing or recording is currently paused.
Indicates PureVoice encoding is occuring during recording.
Shows total length of the voice message in hours : minutes : seconds.
Shows the current position in the voice message in hours : minutes : seconds.
Shows the approximate data rate of the voice message in thousand bits/second (kb/s) units.
Shows the approximate data size of the voice message in K bytes.
Shows the playback rate of the voice message. The center box is the normal playback rate.
Use the + and - buttons to change.
Position Control
Shows the current position in the voice message. To change the current position in the message, drag the slider.
Volume Control
Shows the current volume setting for this voice message. To change the volume setting, drag the slider. Top = 300%, Middle = 100%, Bottom = Muted.
Record Gain Control
Shows the record gain setting for recording in this message. To change the record gain setting, drag the slider. On some computers this setting has no effect. Top = 1.5, Middle = 1.0, Bottom = 0.5.